Contact Telephone Numbers


Main number0141 427 2504
Out of Hours111

Community Staff

District Nurses0141 355 2180
Health Visitor0141 531 8410

Local Hospitals

Gartnaval General0141 201 3000
New Victoria0141 201 6000
Glasgow Royal Infirmary0141 211 4000
Queen Elizabeth University0141 201 1100
Stobhill Hospital0141 201 3000

Self-Referral Services

Care equipment and adapting your home0800 0011 3200
Citizens Advice0141 881 2462
Mental Health Crisis Service0845 650 1730
Podiatry0141 347 8909
Early Pregnancy Assessment Service 0141 347 8422
Sexual Health 0141 211 8130
Weight Management Services0141 211 3379